The Cool to be Canadian Name Game...
It´s fun to play the Cool to be Canadian Name Game and discover how many Cool Canadians there are around, including YOU!
Everyone in the room has dark glasses on, so you´ll have to ask a cool stranger a few questions to guess whose name is on your back!
Once you discover who you are, put the name up on the wall and enter it in the website database, along with the name of the contributor
How to play ?
Everyone can play The Cool to be Canadian Name Game...
- Everyone must wear cool shades (sunglasses) to Cool events.
- Everyone must contribute in some way to the fun.
- The best way is to make up a list of Cool Canadians - check the library, ask your friends, your teachers, your parents.
- Then make a bunch of photo copies of the Name Game Form (you can get 4 from a 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper) and cut them apart.
- With a fat marker pen, copy one name from your list of Cool Canadians on to each Name Tag.
- Bring your Tags to the Cool event, and hand them in to a coordinator... she will take a name tag from someone else´s package and place it on your back!
- Because you can´t see behind your back, and people can´t see you behind your Cool shades, you must ask everyone you meet to help you discover who you are!
- It´s fun to play the Cool to be Canadian Name Game and discover how many Cool Canadians there are around, including YOU!
Use the following Cool Canadian classifications to think up your own Cool to be Canadian recommendation...
historical figure, volunteer, entertainer, artist, promoter, organizer, inventor, designer, teacher, personality, broadcaster,
entrepreneur, educator, researcher, scientist, healer, explorer, athlete, coordinator, volunteer, entertainer, artist, promoter,
organizer, inventor, designer, teacher, personality, broadcaster, entrepreneur, researcher etc.
Click here for Printable Name Game form or
Click here to suggest Cool Canadians for the Cool to be Canadian Name Game List!